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Friday, April 10, 2009

Shark fin out of vogue among young Asians

Good news, but the trend is taking too long! We need to spread the word guys... otherwise the sharks will still die out before all the shark fin lovers do. I wonder when we can all act like educated, civilised people and recognise the effects of our shark fin demand on the ecosystem!

Shark fin out of vogue among young Asians
March 29, 2009, Scientific American

TAIPEI/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singaporean groom Han Songguang took his
campaign to stop consumption of one of Asia's top delicacies to a new level when he placed postcards of a dead shark on each guest's seat at his own wedding banquet.

Instead of shark's fin soup, a must at many ethnic Chinese wedding banquets, Han offered his guests lobster soup.

"If we can do our part to save 'X' number of sharks ... why not?" said Han, a geography teacher, who married a diving enthusiast in December.

Wildlife conservationists, who have long railed against the popularity of shark fin soup, are finally seeing signs that consumption is dropping as young Asians become aware of the environmental impact of this much prized dish.

"Today we have incredible access to information. It has become much harder to say 'I didn't know'," said Glenn Sant, marine program leader of the British wildlife group TRAFFIC. He urged young Asians to take a stand and say: "'It shouldn't be an insult not to put shark fin on our wedding menu.'"

Tastes have changed along with awareness for young Asians. Shang-kuan Liang-chi, a National Taiwan University student who has tried the crunchy jelly-like dish twice at formal events, prefers other food and avoids a shark fin restaurant near campus. "University students never go in there," he said.

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